Having friends has always been so important to me. Trying to be friends with everyone as a kid was darn near impossible ---but i was always trying to create that bridge between two social groups that I apparently never really fit into completely. It never worked, and frankly I am glad it didn't.
Like any other person I learned what a true friend is and what a fake one is. A true friend doesn't leave you out, or hanging by yourself. She wont ever turn you away in a time of need. She can feel it in her soul that something is bothering you when you are troubled. Time apart isn't really time apart, it's time where you realize how how dear they are to your well being. Its the understanding that flows from their being, of knowing you and where your coming from. A true friend will automatically embrace you when you hurt.
"A hug: It's the simplest action, as well as the most powerful."
When we have the days where it feels like the world is just crashing, and we are almost to the point of tears -its the comforting hug from your best bud that sets our emotions free. The tears start flowing. The venting happens. Your mouth is moving so fast the words are spilling out onto the coffee table, and your trying to make sense of everything around you---Your best friend listens and always understands. And will always be ready with another hug. Not to mention the support, wisdom, and encouragement they exchange with you not JUST during the times of trouble; but all day everyday.Everybody needs a person like this in their life.
One thing i know
"Fake and True friends do share something in common; They change you. "
If it weren't for my fake friends constantly trying to change me into something I wasn't - I wouldn't have learned who I am ...and who I am NOT.My true friends change me for the better. They inspire me to create things, to love, forgive. To praise God in spite of my troubles. I laugh more, and work to create that positive change in someone else's life.
Thank you my friend. For doing all of these things. I don't know what I would do without you in my life. God has truly blessed me with having a friend like you.
Some ladies who deserve special mentioning are as followed (listed based on years known)
**if your name isn't listed it doesn't mean that you're not a true friend. These ladies alone have helped me through some crap. I still appreciate your friendship and I pray it grows and prospers into something amazing.
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