Parent the definition
Main Entry: 1par·ent
Pronunciation: \ˈper-ənt\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin parent-, parens; akin to Latin parere to give birth to
Date: 15th century
1 a : one that begets or brings forth offspring b : a person who brings up and cares for another 2 a : an animal or plant that is regarded in relation to its offspring b : the material or source from which something is derived c : a group from which another arises and to which it usually remains subsidiary <a parent company>
Now who do I write to to add these additional things to the parents dictionary?
Parent -: zoo keeper, pro wrestler, head chef, therapist, criminal negotiator, maid.I feel as though parents -more often than not- struggle with negativity. Whether it be negativity about or for other parents, negativity about a spouse and their assistance in said "parenting", or constantly being our own worst critic. That last one I am so beyond guilty of experiencing on a daily basis. I am not trying to sound hypocritical but I am trying to tell you- "YOU'RE NOT ALONE!"
Just yesterday I was thinking "My goodness James is there ever a time where you just could maybe be quiet and not tell me everything..."
To be honest that sounds terrible of Me to think but I'm not the only guilty party on this planet lets just all be honest now shall we. My son talks quite a bit to me -and facing a what currently was a painful migraine made everything that he was saying (and doing as a matter of fact) just to make my head hurt worse.
I did stop a moment and pray a prayer something like "God is it me?!"
The thought that was released in my mind after I asked that was pretty much a confirming "yes".
This is what I thought: my son is with me all day everyday. Out of all the people in the world I figure he would be sick of me first. But he isn't. He constantly is telling me things, pointing stuff out, wanting me to play with him etc. he plays with other kids but if mommy is playing too then he could care less about the other kids.
I mean it's ME. He must think I'm something special or I dunno...Then I felt my spirits lift. It was a boost of sorts. If I had to be around someone that much I surely would be annoyed with them but he never gets tired of me. That's when I asked my son (almost as a joke and with a laugh) "do you think mommy is awesome?" And my son stopped messing with the DVDs and their respected cases and looked at me and said "yea" and then went back to what he was doing. He doesn't remember the time I lost my cool because he deliberately dumped shredded cheese on the carpet, he thinks I'm his comforter, his healer and among other things the stuff listed below the "official" definition of a parent.
I need to ease up on myself. Maybe easing up on others is your thing? Maybe easing up on your spouse because they don't parent the way you do is your thing? Maybe it's every single one of those options and then some.
Ease up folks. You are doing your best.
It is going to be just fine.
You are a good mom.
You are a good dad.
Now repeat it until you believe it.